Breakout Sessions

The GLP-1 Drug Speedway:
A Diabetes and Weight Loss Traffic Jam

GLP-1’s are an effective tool in helping Type II diabetics control blood sugars and lose weight.  New versions of the drugs are being approved for weight loss in non-diabetic patients.  Weight loss drugs are expected to generate $100 billion in annual sales by 2030.  While effective, employers, health insurance carriers and advisors are all watching the growth in GLP-1’s for weight loss and its impact on pharmacy spend.

A Successful Journey: Tuning-Up PTO and Leave Programs

Taking extended time off to care for oneself or a loved one, or to grieve a loss, is paramount to employee well-being and to maintain productivity in the workplace.  This session explores proven ways that employers can supportively intervene towards preventing the need for extended leaves of absence or reducing the overall duration.  We will also look at innovative ways employers can support the grieving process, which is multifaceted. Expert panelists will share insights on effectively managing chronic illness, evolving solutions to address mental health and addiction, and exploring new perspectives on bereavement support.

Accelerating Women Worker Retention Woes: Caregiving and Beyond

In 2023, the average day care cost in the US increased 9% over the prior year.  Increases in care costs disproportionally affect women and their ability to stay in the workforce.  Unaffordable or inaccessible childcare, along with other caregiving, are the top reasons women change jobs or leave the workforce altogether.  This phenomenon affects women in many ways including their emotional and mental health and economic empowerment. 

Innovation Pit Stop:
Revving your Retirement Benefits

Retirement is one of life’s significant transitions; virtually everything changes.  Employees spend almost all their working lives preparing for the financial needs of not working.  But have they planned to be ready for their season of life when they have the freedom to choose what they want to do and when they want to do it?  How can employers support this planning and give tools to those nearing retirement to help them create a plan and transition to this new state of living?

Steering to Limit Financial Impact: Approaches to Managing Bio-Similar and Gene Therapy Treatments

Bio-similar and gene therapy are terms bantered about when talking about new trends in healthcare.  However, they are quite different in their approach and cost structure.  The regulatory process for bio-similar development is shorter and less costly than its biologic counterpart.  The increased development of bio-similar treatments is expected to generate overall savings in healthcare costs.  Gene therapy uses genetic material to prevent, treat and can potentially cure diseases.  But gene therapies are typically very expensive.  This session will help clarify the differences between bio-similar and gene therapy solutions.

Who’s in the Driver Seat?:
Customizing Benefits for Differing Needs by Age and Sex

Research shows that a worker’s gender and age impact their benefit choices. Workers over age 35 typically want richer retirement benefits than younger workers who would like more time off.  Women tend to want more flexibility around their work schedules than men.  How do you ensure you have benefits that meet the needs of both genders at different ages?  What trending benefits help younger employees potentially building families versus employees whose needs change as they age?